Working with a small team, we created a wacky, 2.5D, 2-player platformer game with funky physics and loads of fun!
Given a semester to conceptualize, plan, code, and create assets for a unity game. a team of classmates and I came up with the idea of a rat running through a fridge, trying to escape from the family cat while collecting cheese.
Before any sort of asset creation could even begin, we first pitched our idea in the form of a Game Design Document (GDD) and created a project schedule for the team.
The GDD is a pitch entailing all of the details of our game to come. It has controls, levels, powerups; target demographic and genre; sound design; and a whole array of other information necessary to make this game possible.
To make sure we progressed in a timely manner and to evenly divide the tasks among us, we also utilized a project schedule. In it are our deadlines for first playable, alpha, beta, and finals builds, and the individual tasks and deadlines necessary to reach these milestones.
Creating the first playable was relatively simple, as not much needed to be in the game yet, only basic movement controls and level planning. We set up Unity Collaborate as a team so we could all work with the same Unity files independently, and then could sync up any changes to the project later.
Next was the Alpha build, in which case our game would be content-locked and have all major mechanics implemented. I worked on the 3D models and texturing of the various cheeses, as well as background models that would appear in the fridge. I also helped our main coder, Spriley, implement level designs by working in unity to place the models.
For the next build, I designed and implemented the User Interface of the game. I made the Title Screen, Credits Page, Level Select Screen, and Quit buttons. For each level I also created a pause menu that stopped time in the game and brought up options to resume, restart, or quit to the main screen.
I used photoshop to make the button icons, and I used the C# coding within the Unity editor to code the functionality of the buttons.
For the final build, we just needed some last touches! I included an instructions page, worked with Spriley to implement power up timers and a 3-life UI system, and Zayna and Millie worked with lighting, particle effects, and sound.
In the end, we made a fully-functional, three-level game with 2-player mechanics, full UI implementation, sound design, and animation! Working on this project with a team made me realize the importance of flexibility, as there were times that unexpected issues arose and teammate responsibilities would have to shift accordingly.